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Houston-Area Startup Evolving NASA’s Technology

Published Apr 15, 2024 by Lou Ann Duvall


Houston-area FluxWorks is evolving magnetic gear technology, promising efficiency and reliability across industries. Led by CEO Dr. Bryton Praslicka, FluxWorks leverages over a decade of research to revolutionize gear technology, with applications spanning from renewable energy to space exploration.

“美国宇航局资助Hga010皇冠软件下载开发下一代月球车的变速箱,以便前往月球的背面,” said Dr. Bryton Praslicka, CEO of FluxWorks. “Hga010皇冠软件下载需要制造一种尽可能轻便、坚固的变速箱,同时还要承受极端条件——低温, low atmosphere, and hard vacuum. That’s where my first patent came along.”

该公司的磁性齿轮设计带来了99%的效率,比传统的同类产品安静四倍. Instead of mechanical teeth, 齿轮依靠磁力来传递动力,消除了润滑的需要, reducing maintenance requirements, and dramatically improving reliability. Beyond his patent-pending design innovations, Praslicka强调了FluxWorks如何建立在现有电机制造技术和供应链的基础上,以实现快速扩展.

Hga010皇冠软件下载无与伦比的磁力齿轮专业知识意味着Hga010皇冠软件下载可以通过改造已有电动机的现有系统快速进入市场, that already have gearboxes,” said Praslicka. “That’s one of the really exciting opportunities about our technology.”

With this innovative business model in place, 该公司在CERAWeek举行的休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议皇冠HGA010官方下载风险投资竞赛中获得第二名, the world’s premiere energy conference, 并在由赖斯技术与创业联盟和琼斯商学院主办的2023年赖斯商业计划竞赛中获得大奖. FluxWorks团队还在美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部(DOE) 皇冠HGA010官方下载Tech UP竞赛中被选为水力发电技术办公室奖金奖得主.

“FluxWorks变速箱以最少的维护提供突破性的性能, 使其成为极端应用和远程位置的理想选择,正常运行时间至关重要,” said Praslicka.

该公司的目标是通过对其海底波浪能转换技术的现场测试,将其实验室验证的磁力齿轮应用于现实环境, onshore wind turbines, the International Space Station (ISS), 和更多的.

"Our innovative gearboxes have unprecedented reliability,” said Praslicka. “With a lifespan of up to 25 years, Hga010皇冠软件下载可以极大地降低客户的运营和维护成本. Our vision is to use magnetic gears to unlock a technology’s full potential.”

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