
Houston Spaceport Reaches for the Stars with Transformative Expansion Project



With three new cutting-edge anchor tenant facilities and its second phase of development underway, 自2015年该市首次承诺将艾灵顿机场重塑为航空航天中心以来,休斯顿太空港经历了全面转型. 

In 2018, 休斯顿市议会批准了近2000万美元的资金,用于太空港的基础设施建设, marking the beginning of a major multi-phase expansion project. Here’s a look 在太空港’s transformative journey and where we are today.


The first phase of Houston Spaceport’s expansion, 2019年竣工, 包括街道建设, utilities and distribution and communications facilities.

The Houston Airport System later appropriated up to $105.6 million to finance construction for three leading aerospace companies, 包括直觉机器. 这个三次获得美国宇航局合同的公司最近创造了历史,它的Nova-C着陆器奥德修斯成为美国第一个在火星上着陆的探测器.S. 自阿波罗号之后,再没有航天器登陆月球. 

Intuitive Machines opened its $40 million Lunar Operations Center at the Houston Spaceport last year. 跨越12.5英亩, 新中心包括125人,000平方英尺的办公和生产空间,将专门用于公司的月球计划和月球着陆器和航天器的制造. 

该中心还提供独特的技术和基础设施,包括“任务控制室”,以跟踪和管理月球任务, a propulsion test facility to assess lunar lander engine capabilities and a 3,800 square foot ‘flame range’ facility for testing protocols,直觉机器公司说. 

“Houston has always been a city that reaches for the stars, and with Intuitive Machines operating at the Houston Spaceport, our city is poised to shine even brighter in the cosmos,市长西尔威斯特·特纳说. “航空航天 is more than a source of pride for our city; the innovation here is just another example of why the Houston economy is thriving. 直觉机器公司正在催生高薪工作, 培养创新, and attracting talent and investment from every corner of the world.”

直觉机器最近获得了奖项 $2.来自NASA的400万美元 与华盛顿特区合作.C.总部位于美国的芝诺电力公司(Zeno Power)为在月球夜间周期期间前往月球的宇航员创造了一种放射性同位素电力系统.

In 2022, 商业航天领导者, Axiom空间, broke ground on its 22-acre Space Flight and Assembly headquarters 在太空港. The new headquarters will be dedicated to the development of the Axiom Station, dubbed as the world’s first commercial space station. 

The groundbreaking campus will also support astronaut training and feature mission control facilities, 测试实验室, 和一个高海湾生产设施, 据Axiom空间报道.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in December 2023 to officially open the first phase of the development. 

公理空间也有 授予NASA几个合同, 包括一项宇航服任务订单,以推进为国际空间站(ISS)在低地球轨道上太空行走能力而设计的阿尔忒弥斯III号月球宇航服.

新设施的重点是开发和测试该公司的NASA任务订单下一代太空服,供宇航员在国际空间站外和月球上工作时穿着, as well as Collins’ Universal Waste Management System and trash compactor, 据公司介绍. 

另外, 10,000 square feet of the new facility is dedicated to Houston’s first-ever spaceflight incubator, 这使得创业公司, industry professionals and universities to collaborate to advance aerospace technology and exploration. 

The three anchor companies are expected to bring as many as 1,800 jobs to the area in addition to $4 billion worth of contracted work over the next decade, 根据 Houston Spaceport Director Arturo Machuca. 

第一阶段 of the spaceport also included the opening of 圣哈辛托学院’s EDGE Center in 2021, 一个154英亩的开发项目,提供航空航天培训和项目,将推动有前途的途径,在行业的职业生涯. 

“在这里,休斯顿人的思想和双手将为子孙后代书写太空竞争的下一个篇章,” said Houston Airport System Director Mario Diaz in a press release. “学习如何构建未来太空探索的人才就从EDGE中心开始." 


Expected to break ground in the next 12 to 18 months, 第二阶段将占地300英亩,包括对基础设施的重大补充,包括沿4-22号跑道的全长滑行道, 在太空港的西北部, 根据 社区的影响. The new taxiway will allow aircraft to take off and land right next to the spaceport’s anchor companies. 

其他基础设施项目包括修建一条穿过太空港中心的道路, 将交通从航天中心大道转移到航天港,并连接到3号公路和酒店空间, 餐饮及零售发展.

根据社区影响, 二期 includes the establishment of the 航空航天学院, EDGE中心的扩展, to connect higher education institutions and its students to the aerospace industry.

The 航空航天学院 will involve local colleges, 包括德州南方大学(TSU), 他最近宣布了 新的两英亩的训练设施 在太空港, 并通过帮助学生培养行业所需的关键技能,进一步加强该地区未来的劳动力.

一旦完成, TSU计划将其航空管理课程迁移到该学院,以帮助他们的毕业生无缝地转化为航空航天工业的劳动力.

Discover more about Houston’s aerospace industry and the Houston Spaceport during the Partnership’s 太空的未来 活动于11月11日星期四举行. 7.


航空航天 & 航空

NASA Selects UH to Establish New Space Research Center

美国宇航局授予休斯顿大学近500万美元的拨款,用于建立一个航空航天工程研究中心, aimed at bolstering the agency’s human space exploration efforts on the Moon and Mars.    该奖项由美国宇航局STEM参与办公室少数民族大学研究和教育项目(MUREP)机构研究机会(MIRO)计划资助, 向21所高等教育机构分配4500万美元以加速航空航天研究,哪一项更大.  先进的设备, dubbed NASA MIRO Inflatable Deployable Environments and Adaptive Space Systems (IDEAS2) Center, 将与约翰逊航天中心合作开发可扩展的轨道和地面基础设施和操作系统,使人类能够长期在太空生活和工作, 根据UH. The center will also collaborate with various community partners such as Texas A& M大学, 休斯顿社区学院, 圣哈辛托学院, 公理空间和其他机构来推进这项工作.  另外, the center will offer opportunities for graduate, 本科, middle and high school students to engage in research and hands-on learning, encouraging and promoting pathways to careers in aerospace.  “The vision of the IDEAS2 Center is to become a premier national innovation hub that propels NASA-centric, state-of-the-art research and promotes 21st-century aerospace education,卡罗洛斯·格里戈里亚迪斯说, 莫尔斯机械工程教授兼休斯敦大学航空航天工程研究生项目主任. Grigoriadis spearheaded the effort and will lead the center.  Discover more about Space City’s dynamic ecosystem. 
航空航天 & 航空

Houston-Area Startup Evolving NASA’s Technology

Houston-area FluxWorks is evolving magnetic gear technology, promising efficiency and reliability across industries. 由首席执行官博士领导. Bryton Praslicka, FluxWorks leverages over a decade of research to revolutionize gear technology, with applications spanning from renewable energy to space exploration. “美国宇航局资助Hga010皇冠软件下载开发下一代月球车的变速箱,以便前往月球的背面,”医生说。. Bryton Praslicka, FluxWorks的首席执行官. “Hga010皇冠软件下载需要制造一种尽可能轻便、坚固的变速箱,同时还要承受极端条件——低温, 低的气氛, 硬真空. 这就是我第一个专利的由来.” 该公司的磁性齿轮设计带来了99%的效率,比传统的同类产品安静四倍. 代替机械齿, the gears rely on magnetic forces to transfer power—eliminating the need for lubrication, 减少维护需求, 大大提高了可靠性. 除了他正在申请专利的设计创新, Praslicka强调了FluxWorks如何建立在现有电机制造技术和供应链的基础上,以实现快速扩展. “Hga010皇冠软件下载无与伦比的磁力齿轮专业知识意味着Hga010皇冠软件下载可以通过改造已有电动机的现有系统快速进入市场, 已经有变速箱了,普拉西卡说. “That’s one of the really exciting opportunities about our technology.” 有了这种创新的商业模式, 该公司在CERAWeek举行的休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议皇冠HGA010官方下载风险投资竞赛中获得第二名, 世界首屈一指的皇冠HGA010官方下载会议, 并在由赖斯技术与创业联盟和琼斯商学院主办的2023年赖斯商业计划竞赛中获得大奖. FluxWorks团队还在美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部(DOE) 皇冠HGA010官方下载Tech UP竞赛中被选为水力发电技术办公室奖金奖得主. "FluxWorks gearboxes deliver breakthrough performance with minimal maintenance, making them ideal for extreme applications and remote locations where uptime is critical,普拉西卡说. 该公司的目标是通过对其海底波浪能转换技术的现场测试,将其实验室验证的磁力齿轮应用于现实环境, 陆上风力涡轮机, 国际空间站(ISS), 和更多的. "Our innovative gearboxes have unprecedented reliability,普拉西卡说. “寿命长达25年, we can drastically minimize operational and maintenance costs for our customers. Our vision is to use magnetic gears to unlock a technology’s full potential.” 探索休斯顿不断发展的产业.


航空航天 & 航空


休斯顿是一个直面人类最大胆挑战的城市——无论是在地球上还是在遥远的地方. 拥有超过500个空间, aviation and aerospace-related firms and institutions, 休斯顿一直是一个先驱……
